During the first part of the year, the committees of the Caucus Council explore issues of concern to both the community and the boards, and then seek the community's input on the Annual Survey. After reviewing survey results and other input from residents, the Major Committees draft Caucus Platforms, which serve as guidelines for the four Village Boards. We also hold a Spring Town Hall Meeting during which elected leaders answer residents’ questions.
During the second part of the year, the committees recruit, interview, and slate candidates for any open positions on the boards of the Village's four governing boards: Village Council, Parks, Schools, and Library boards. At the Fall Town Hall Meeting, platforms are presented and candidate slates are approved by the community.
The Annual Survey is conducted online once a year. Every household serviced by Winnetka's four taxing bodies - Village, Parks, Schools, and Library - is eligible to complete the survey. Two responses per household are allowed.
The 15-30-minute survey includes direct questions of importance to the taxing bodies and fellow residents, and invites survey-takers to add their comments and insights. The results are tabulated, analyzed, and written up as platforms to guide the boards' agenda going forward.
Village Platforms are put forth every year; platforms for Schools, Parks and Library put forth in odd-numbered years, or when issues are important enough to need your input.
Historical Surveys
2021 - survey
Historical Platforms
Older survey results and platforms are available at the
Thinking of throwing your hat in the ring? Please read the the important Candidate Filing Information for 2024
State Board of Elections Candidate's Guide.
Each year, the Caucus slates qualified candidates for any open positions on the four Village Boards by carefully reviewing each of the applicant’s written responses to the application, conducting in person interviews, and checking references.
The Caucus Council's approved candidates are presented to the full Caucus - each voting-age resident of Winnetka - for final approval at the Annual Fall Town Hall. If the Caucus Council slate is challenged, a vote is held, and the names of the candidates with the most votes are placed on the Spring Ballot.
Contact us for an application. Deadline: Midnight, August 21st.
Spring Town Hall
Each Spring the Caucus gathers for an Elected Leaders forum, where elected representatives from each of our four Village Boards gather to share their insights, provide updates on key issues, and answer questions of the community.
Watch the 2024 First-ever Hybrid Spring Town Hall here.
Fall Town Hall
Each November the town gathers to hear the Caucus Platforms, and meet and vote on candidates who will then be slated by the Caucus for open board seats on the Village's four governing boards.
Watch the 2023 Virtual Fall Town Hall and slating process here.