​April 1st - Election Day.
Vote for your Caucus Candidates!
Mail-in Voting starts March 7th.
Request your ballot here - starting Feb. 25th.

All voting-age residents of the Village of Winnetka, the Winnetka Parks District, the Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District and the Winnetka D36 School District are members of the Winnetka Caucus.
The Winnetka Caucus Council (WCC) is a non-partisan group of volunteers who represent the Caucus and serve as a liaison between its residents and the four Boards that comprise Winnetka's government - Village Council, Parks, Schools, and Library. Four residents from each of Winnetka's 16 districts, and up to four at-large members serve on the Council for up to three consecutive years, with an optional fourth.
Each Caucus Council member serves on one Major Committee (Village Candidates, Village Platforms, Schools, Parks, Library) and one Standing Committee (Finance & Fundraising, Communications, Rules, New Trier Nominators in even years).
More information about how the Winnetka Caucus works can be found on our list of Frequently Asked Questions.

In 1915, a group of leaders "grieving over the nonsense of municipal elections in which, except for personalities, there were no real issues", organized what today is the Caucus Council. It's been more than a century since Winnetka officially adopted the Caucus form of non-partisan self-government where everyone who has a vote has a voice.
2015 marked the 100 year anniversary of Winnetka Caucus Council.
our teaM
Council Chair: Peter Eck
Vice Chair: Betsy Owens
Treasurer: Doug Sutton
Communications Chair: Jan Bawden
Rules Chair: Kathy Hamburger
Major Committee Chairs also serve on the Executive Committee
Village Slating: Ian Larkin
Schools: Stanton Anderson
Parks: Alex Ross
Library: Stephen Dewart
standing committeeS
The Standing Committees include the Rules, Communications and New Trier Township High School Caucus Nominators Committee (in even numbered years). The Standing Committees handle the day-to-day operations of the WCC.
Here's the rest of the roster.
The policies and procedures of the Winnetka Caucus Council. What we do, how we do it, and when it needs to be done. It's all right here. Got more questions? Check out our FAQ's here.