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District 36

  • Attend one monthly of 3- 4 hour meeting in duration

  • Review board packet requiring  3-4 hours

  • Serve on 2-3 subcommittees which require 2-3 hours per subcommittee every 6 weeks 

  • Attend 1-2 school/district events per quarter

  • Attend village events as appropriate 

  • Meet with and talk to constituents on an as required basis



  • Attend one monthly board meeting of roughly 2 hours in duration

  • Review board packet requiring 1-2 hours per month 

  • Additional time as necessary or desired to engage with the community and library events (Walk in the Independence Day parade, read results of the annual caucus survey, Caucus townhall meeting, etc.)


Park District

  • Attend one monthly board meeting of roughly 2 hours in duration

  • Attend one monthly committee meeting of roughly 2 hours in duration

  • Review board and committee packets requiring 1-2 hours per month for each

  • Attend village events as appropriate 

  • Meet with and talk to constituents on an as required basis


Village Council

  • Attend 3 meetings each month plus one committee meeting during the month (approximately 6 - 12 hours in total)

  • Attend at least 1 study session a month

  • Serve as liaison on Village Board or commission

  • Spend 2 -3 hours per week in preparation time for reviewing village council material

  • spend 2-3 hours meeting/communicating with village residents or business owners each month

  • For those individuals not experienced in Village matters through participation on the Zoning or Plan commissions, additional time each month familiarizing themselves with land use issues and principles.

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