​April 1st - Election Day.
Vote for your Caucus Candidates!
Mail-in Voting starts March 7th.
Request your ballot here - starting Feb. 25th.
Help us help you.
The Winnetka Caucus Council operates exclusively from the generous donations of Winnetka residents – no tax dollars are spent!
The Winnetka Caucus Council is a non-partisan independent organization that relies solely on voluntary contributions. It receives no tax dollars or government funds. Your donations enable us to bring you the Annual Survey, Spring and Fall Town Halls (live and virtual), this website, newsletters, and candidates qualified enough to earn your attention. We are grateful for your support. Note: Donations are not tax deductible.
Donate with credit card or Paypal
- or -
Make checks payable to:
Winnetka Caucus Council
PO Box 311
Winnetka, IL 60093
Friends and neighbors helping friends and neighbors make Winnetka the best it can be.